
কিছু কিছু গল্প হঠাৎ শেষ হয়ে যায় না...তাই বিসর্জন-এর রেশ বিজয়া পর্যন্ত গড়াচ্ছে...তাই আবার নাসির আলি, পদ্মা আর গনেশ মন্ডল আসছে' **'Bijaya’**. It is the sequel to Kaushik Ganguly's film ‘Bishorjon’ starring the same lead pair of Jaya Ahsan and Abir Chatterjee.

PLOT: Bijoya is the sequel to Kaushik Ganguly's National award-winning film 'Bishorjon'. Padma is now married to Ganesh Mondal. An emergency forces Padma to visit Kolkata with her husband Ganesh. However, things change after she crosses paths with Nasir Ali. Bijoya had the same star cast as Bishorjon. The film released in January, 2019.